Sales Cycle. Marketing Funnel. Customer Journey.
Untangling Marketing Metrics
An in-depth discussion with a panel of experts, this time about the sales cycle, marketing funnel, and customer journey.
- Is the sales funnel everything? Or is it obsolete?
- What is the best way to formulate and visualize the sales process and why?
- How do you translate the customer journey to systems and actions?
Reading list:
Samuel Brealey
Samuel is a marketing consultant, helping good businesses make more money by helping them focus on what matters most. Catch his sensible way of calling a spade a spade on Twitter!
James Hankins, Founder and Consulting Strategist at Vizer Consulting
James is a strategic leader with a command of modern marketing tools and record of commercial impact, which he combines with his broad and deep experience across multiple categories and some of the biggest brands in the world. He drove the emergence of Share of Search as a practical metric, and was named one of the “Change Makers” of the year 2020 by Marketing Week Magazine in the UK.
Doug Garnett, President Protonik
Doug specializes in understanding the nuances of customer values and buying behavior. He teaches marketing, is writing a book about complexity in business, and is a trusted advisor.
Shahin Khan, Partner, (Moderator)
Shahin tracks technologies, policies, and marketing practices that define the Information Age. He has been a (very technical) CMO in high tech for many years and has probably done every job in marketing personally, and a few outside of it.
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