Purchase Services

Occasionally, you just want to bounce an idea or ask a question. An OrionX inquiry is a 2-hr period split into one or two phone sessions to review your plans, bullet-proof your messages, or discuss the market landscape.
What’s included:
- One or two pre-paid phone sessions
- With one or more OrionX analysts
- Up to 2 hours in total

The essence of our insights about business critical trends in an easy to use package, bundled with convenient access to analyst inquiry sessions. Short executive level reports and access to analysts who already understand your business.
What’s included
- Kick off phone session to understand your needs and plans
- 2 hours/quarter pre-scheduled phone inquiry sessions with an OrionX analyst
- The OrionX Constellation Advisory reports, typically one per quarter

This package is for those who want to stay abreast of OrionX research across all covered topics, and to have immediate access to all papers and slide decks.
Please see additional details below.
What’s included
- Kick off phone session to understand your needs and plans
- 2 hours/quarter pre-scheduled phone inquiry sessions with an OrionX analyst
- Additional 2 hours/quarter phone inquiry sessions with an OrionX analyst
- Analyst quotes for use in your external communications
- The OrionX Constellation Research and Advisory reports and slide decks, typically 2-5 per quarter