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Technology Analysis • Market Execution • Demand Generation

Technology Analysis • Market Execution • Demand Generation


We provide just what you need to know about technologies and policies that drive new growth markets: IoT/Edge, 5G, AI/HPC, Blockchain, Space, and Quantum.


Instant marketing department, filling specific gaps, or working in-house as your interim CMO, all with proven marketing practices and effective teamwork.


With hands-on senior staff and technical depth, our demand-gen team has helped over 40 technology companies to increase market share or expand into new markets.

OrionX is known for its trusted counsel, command of market forces, technical depth, and original content.
From startups to the Fortune 100, more than 70 companies in virtually every technology segment have trusted OrionX to help position and launch products, identify and serve new markets, and create integrated campaigns for increased market share.


Constellation™ Surveys
Constellation™ Inquiry
Constellation™ Advisory
Constellation™ Research
Custom Reports
Market Sizing
Competitive Analysis
Value Prop. & Messaging
Message Testing
Sales/Pitch Deck
Marketing Healthcheck
Sales Tools and Collateral
PR Essentials
Instant Campaign
Content to Leads


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