Untangling Marketing Metrics
Untangling Marketing Metrics
Businesses want to be data-driven because data can provide insight. But bad data does not. So how do we make sure the data is useful? Join an all-star cast for this important discussion. Topics include:
– Why do you need metrics if your instincts are so good?
– What needs untangling?
– How should marketing be measured?
– What does it cost to measure marketing data?
– How do changes related to competition, product, strategy, market need, people etc. impact what you should measure?
– What are the pitfalls in interpretation of data?
– Metrics and complexity
Watch the video below for an insightful discussion among some of the best in the industry: JP Castlin, JP Castlin Consulting, Andrew Willshire, Diametrical Limited, Doug Garnett, President Protonik, and our own Shahin Khan.
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