@HPCpodcast-54: Silicon Photonics, w Keren Bergman
We discuss Silicon Photonics with Keren Bergman, the Charles Batchelor Professor of Electrical Engineering, Faculty Director of the Columbia Nano Initiative, and Principal Investigator of Lightwave Research Laboratory at Columbia University. Prof. Bergman is the recipient of the 2016 IEEE Photonics Engineering Award and is a Fellow of Optica (Optical Society of America) and IEEE.
The wide range of topics includes: Silicon Photonics vs. Fiber Optics used in telecommunications, the use of photonics c0mmunication vs. computation, what aspects of light are used to achieve efficiencies, packet switching vs circuit switching, current advances and speeds, economic considerations and likely first uses, supply chain, fabrication, assembly, and packaging technologies for photonics.

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